Yoga has spread throughout the modern world, taking an amazing variety of forms, trends and styles. As a millennial tradition, yoga has something to offer to everyone – from physical, mental and emotional balance, to climbing the peaks of spiritual realization. Through the brave pioneering work of still a few researchers in the field of medicine, neurosciences, psychology and sociology, it got recognized as a valuable system offering prevention and treatment for a variety of diseases, being especially useful for improving welfare states and moreover as a helpful social phenomenon.
Also other fields of research such as philosophy, science of religion and modern physics find more and more common grounds to share when they unite around the vast knowledge provided by the yoga system, together with the rediscovery of old truths in their present studies.
As a unique border-line space, the Congress aims to provide an international platform for a fruitful interdisciplinary exchange between science and yoga. Academic researchers and scientists from all over the world come to meet with specialists and teachers from the large variety of yoga traditions. Speakers and audience come together to share, explore, and join creative forces encouraging an open-minded and inspiring discussion aiming to re-establish core values and principles of genuine yoga practice, fostering the holistic development of man and his consciousness.
Any advanced practitioner knows, from direct, personal experience, the fact that once knowledge is crystallized within through systematic practice, a natural and irresistible impetus to share it with others occurs, so all those who are ready may benefit from it.
The Congress Committee
While for centuries, science and yoga have apparently gone separate pathways, in the last decades, especially since the fascinating field of quantum physics gradually permeated almost all the other areas of research, ever more aspects of the fabric of the universe – that yogis have stated thousands of years ago – have been scientifically revealed and proven.
From the acceptance that everything is made of vibration, to the undeniable influence of the observer’s expectation on the results of experiments, up to the possibility of parallel existences in a multi-dimensional space, all recent scientific discoveries seem to describe the same reality of a conscious nature, a higher intelligence present in creation. In this sense, yoga has always been a science: an inner science of Self-discovery and through that the discovery of the whole universe.
We see the Congress as a bridge for uniting the ancient wisdom with modern discoveries in the striving for conscious awakening. It creates an opportunity for like-minded people from various fields and backgrounds to meet, inspire each other, build support networks and launch common projects in this direction. Looking into the current situation on our planet, we find a desperate need of awakening and transformation, making this kind of constructive dialogue and joint action crucial.
Yoga literally means ‘to unite’, ‘to join’, ‘to add‘. Continuously developed since ancient times, yoga nowadays covers a broad range of activities – from various systems of physical exercise used to restore and maintain health, to the refined and complex philosophical and religious debates hosted in universities and other academic environments.
Resonance has been a concept restricted to the circle of the pure sciences, but now continuously extends into all areas of life. It reveals wise solutions to many problems encountered both in personal development as in the evolution of communities. Applying the principle of resonance helps us to comprehend how the ancient system of yoga functions and provides a profound understanding of all spiritual systems, allowing us to adapt traditional methods to our contemporary ways of thinking, feeling and living.
In this sense, this year’s Congress will shed light into this fundamental universal principle, and the impressive list of lectures will gradually reveal its implications for both yoga and the world of modern science.
ATMAN – The International Federation of Yoga and Meditation, is a non-profit organisation and all its members are committed to a non-profit and charitable orientation. ATMAN is providing a basis for communication and cooperation between various traditional yoga schools and genuine spiritual paths worldwide, promoting true spiritual values for the benefit of mankind. We believe in the unity between science and spirituality and we consider that yoga is a spiritual science, which provides the methods to realize this unity inside of us and in the outer world. The tradition of yoga reveals the laws of the real spiritual science, having immediate practical applications.
This is why we aim to promote and reveal the yoga science and methodology in its traditional forms, teaching not just physical techniques, but including the essential and fundamental theoretical principles behind the yoga system and the importance of awareness of the inner processes. In this way we can plenary understand and directly experience how and why yoga works. Yoga then becomes a valuable tool for a complete transformation on all levels of the human being and the achievement of the one final goal of all genuine spiritual systems – spiritual liberation.