As a host of this year’s International Yoga Congress, the “Deutsche Akademie für traditionelles Yoga e.V.” offers at the occasion of this pre-congress event a special opportunity to purchase full event tickets for 195€, a saving of 100€.

(You can also just come by at MahaYoga Zentrum, Brunnenstrasse 147, but due to limited places we recommend signing up)

Doru-Beniamin Bodea, PhD, is specialist in quantum phase transitions and low temperature physics, senior teacher of Yoga and other spiritual disciplines, and one of the keynote speakers and head of the programme commitee of the VI. International Yoga Congress in Berlin this year. He will present in his talk and integrated workshop the surprising interconnections between modern science and the ancient spiritual systems, and shed light into the guiding topic of this year’s Congress, the phenomenon of resonance, a fundamental principle both in physics and in spirituality.

For centuries, science and yoga have apparently gone separate pathways, the former in many cases being oriented towards the direct investigation of the world from its sub-atomic level to its macrocosmic scale. And the latter offering practical modalities for the exploration of the inner world, in which the yogis of all times and traditions discovered the exterior universe perfectly mirrored in consciousness.

In the last decades, especially since the fascinating field of quantum physics gradually permeated almost all the other areas of research, ever more aspects of the fabric of the universe – that yogis have stated thousands of year ago – have been scientifically revealed and proven. From the acceptance that everything is made of vibration, to the undeniable influence of the observer’s expectation on the results of experiments, up to the possibility of parallel existences in a multi-dimensional space, all recent scientific discoveries seem to describe the same reality of a conscious nature – natura naturans, as Spinoza defined it – a higher intelligence present in creation. In this sense, Yoga has always been a science, an inner science of Self-discovery, and through it the discovery of the whole universe.